
I love mapping, cycling, being outdoors, and reading.

With regard to mapping, for the past two years whenever I have had free time on a rainy or cold day, I would spend my time filling in landuses among Northern Kentucky on OpenStreetMap, especially focusing on areas called “TIGER deserts” (TIGER is a US Census dataset of all roads in America that was imported into OSM approximately a decade ago, but the data is poor and unaligned, and often needs cleaned up). Another activity in OSM that I partook in was the humanitarian mapping of Bowling Green after the tornadoes in December of 2021 so that rescue workers could use accurate maps.

Part of Pendleton County, KY that I mapped a year ago.

I also love cycling because it allows me to explore the world in an intimate way that i find driving fails to do. During the quarantine of 2020 I spent most of my time biking around Cincinnati, eventually racking up 3,500 miles in half a year.

Picture of my bike off of KY Route 8 in front of the now-demolished Beckjord Generating Station

I also love being outdoors, whether this means hiking, gardening, foraging, etc. During the summer before college I harvested a pound and a half of wineberries (invasive raspberry-like berries from Japan) from the train tracks near my house. I then made pancakes with the berries! Maybe next year I will make a jam?

Along the lines of being outdoors I love to manage invasive species in my town. At Tower Park, in Fort Thomas, I have assisted in the cutting down of acres upon acres of invasive honeysuckle. For Christmas, my dad gifted me an electric chainsaw so that I could do the same in the forest behind our house.

Reading is another passion of mine, in which there are two genres I love to read the most. My favorite books are by Orwell and Steinbeck and subsequently I love great depression-era literature. My other favorite books are half-travelogue and half-history, especially when they focus on the history of Russia and Central Asia, which are places I find endlessly fascinating. Ultimately, my favorite book I have ever read is Orwell’s Keep the Aspidistra Flying which is about a poet who struggles with the idea of being successful while earning merely a few joeys per day working at a floundering bookstore. While the book is ultimately very depressing, I found it inspiring with the message it had towards growing up and applying yourself even in the face of obstacles that seek to force you towards being down and out.


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